AI-powered. Patient centric. Open source.
Beda EMR’s aims to deliver great clinical experience for both Practitioners and Patients
Beda EMR’s aims to deliver great clinical experience for both Practitioners and Patients
Customers we serve
Health Tech and Digital Health companies building interoperable solutions
Telemedicine & Telehealth
Remote Patient Monitoring
Chronic Care
Innovative Labs
Decision Support
Advanced Patient Portals
Self-service Systems
Health Trackers
Simplified Practise Management
Clinical Trials
Leverages HL7 FHIR standard
as data model

The Beda EMR frontend out of the box supports FHIR API capabilities:
  • Patients management
    • You can manage a list of patients, and search across them
    • The predefined set of dashboard widgets provides you with a high-level overview of patient health information
    • You can edit patient demographics and contacts
  • Practitioners management
    • You can search practitioners by role and speciality
    • You can edit health services and roles in the clinic
  • Appointment and Encounters (visits management)
    • On the calendar widget you can see all future appointments
    • Appointment could be converted into the encounter on patient arrive
    • Add-hoc encounters could be created
  • Treatment notes
    • Practitioner can create Observations, Conditions and clinical notes for patients’ encounter
    • Notes support versioning and stored as FHIR resources available for access via API or dashboard
  • Patient medical information
    • Patient or practitioner can modify health information
    • Add/edit allergies, past surgeries, medications, family history
  • Medication management
    Practitioner can create a Medication request for a patient that could be converted into e-prescription
Powered by Aidbox FHIR platform
Beda EMR well tested with Aidbox FHIR APIs and pre-configured to leverage Aidbox powerful features such as Auth, User Management, fine-grained Access Control and others.
    Amazing additional features

    In case when pure FHIR API is not enough, we implemented the most popular FHIR Implementation Guide as sidecar applications that complement Beda EMR

    Clinical Forms Management
    One of the important parts of EMR is forms. All data is entered into the system via forms. Usually, forms are part of user data. So some kind of form management is required. FHIR provides a Structured Data Capture implementation guide that transforms Questionnaire resource into a full-featured form engine. We have implemented it. So you can create and edit forms on the fly via form designer.
    FHIR provides only basic primitives for scheduling. It is not enough, so we implemented the ArgoSceduling implementation guide that extends FHIR with scheduling functionality. You can edit practitioner availability, book appointments, and follow up with patients.
    Many use cases require video calls between doctor and patient. So we integrated an open-source solution Jitsi Meet into our EHR. For virtual encounters, we created a room that could be used for patient-to-doctor communication.
    Your roadmap with Beda EMR
    before we start
    before we start
    Letter of intent is signed
    Week 1
    Week 1
    Do the paperwork (free)
    • Workshop with business analyst and UI/UX designer.
    • Defining a list of relevant modules, UI customization and required integrations
    • Define project timeline and required investments
    • SOW signed
    Week 2
    Week 2
    Start operating (fixed setup fee)
    • Deploy EMR with relevant modules in your environment (cloud or on premises)
    • Staff educational session
    Week 3–12
    Week 3–12
    System fine tuning (SOW based contract)
    Depending on the scope
it might take from 2 weeks
to 2 months
    • Implementation phase for UI customization and required integrations
    • Deploy updated system version
    • Staff education session
    from Week 13
    from Week 13
    Maintenance & support (Monthly retainer fee)
    Once you up and running
    • System maintenance
    • Customer support
    • SLA
    Meet the team

    HL7 FHIR experts from Beda Software developed multiple applications on top of FHIR. We see how same product features repeats from one project to another.

    So, we decided to implement a set of reusable interfaces that suits common digital health needs.

    • Ilya Beda
      Team leader and product owner
      7-years experience in healthcare
      FHIR standard and SDC IG contributor
    • Alex Pavlushkin
      Senior software developer
      Software Engineer with a clinician background. SMART on FHIR expert and conference speaker
    • Nick Galuev
      Senior UI/UX designer
      Experienced UI/UX designer focused on medical system UX

    Company of Health IT experts

    Beda Software engineers are deeply involved with the health tech community, speaking at various international conferences and contributing to the FHIR standard development. We know health tech interoperability and how to operationalize products that use protected health information (PHI) safely in cloud-based infrastructure.

    We’ve been working with healthcare startups and enterprise-grade clients across the globe for the past 7 years. The products we built, helped define, design, and develop are used in USA, Canada, New Zealand, Israel, Germany, Switzerland.

    Geography of our cases
    Beda Software is recognized by the partners
    Health Samurai
    University of California San Francisco
    University of Central Florida
    The Sovereignty Network
    The FHIR Business Alliance
    GO TOP
    Copyright © Beda Software — 2024
    Get a guided tour through the Beda EMR and find out how it can serve your product needs
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