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Introducing AI Medical Scribe
Create structured clinical documents with your voice. You don't need to type anything, just speak to the patient. The AI Medical Scribe module recognizes and structures all the data.
How It Works
Start encounter and press the Record button
The AI Medical Scribing module converts speech to text
The audio recorder widget recognizes speech in real-time and displays the script. Even if you don't have a microphone on your desktop computer, you can record with your smartphone.
a recognition template for a conversation
First visit, follow-up or whatever
AI converts free speech into a structured clinical form.
Not only the summary, but a full set of structured clinical documents, that you need to prepare to finalise the visit. Review the extracted data and sign in one click.
All the data stored in Google Cloud environment certified for medical data storage. Safe and secure.
Raw text and original audio are also saved
All data is written back into your EMR/EHR system.
Because all data is structured according to the FHIR standard, you can easily analyze and share it.
We provide augmentation of your EHR with AI medical scribing functionality. Our software is launched from EHR with one click and gets the context of the current appointment and patient. You just need to start the recording. It is as simple as that.
All captured data is structured. So, It can easily be exchanged between healthcare systems and third-party applications.
You get comprehensive analytics and reporting on top of AI-scribed data.
Sign up for a pilot
Looking for practitioners who would like to save 2 hours on their daily paperwork, and participate in system co-design.
We will respond as soon as possible