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Yana Beda

What It Takes to Launch Your Healthcare Product MVP?

Each product starts with the problem. A real-world problem we are trying to resolve. When we meet some problem, we generally try to search for already existing solutions and analyze how good are they for the particular use case. If the existing solutions doesn’t seem to be good enough, a good practise is to organize a product team workshop to define a Minimal Valuable Product as a set of product hypothesis.
It’s great if it’s possible to validate each of the defined hypothesis with a subject-matter expert and a few potential customers of the future product. Since we are talking about Digital Health and related niches, this group of people might be physicians, clinicians, patients or unshurance workers. To make this validation efficient you need to prepare some kind of a tangible prototype to demo.
Fully clickable system prototype (even just linked and clickable high-resolution wireframes done in Figma) works really well for this purpose. It takes a very short time to prepare and provide you with a valuable feedback as an outcome. Here you might find, that some product hypotheses doesn’t work at all and also, find out some new one which seems relevant for the real users. The trick is to reduce the number of hypothesis in MVP as possible.

Next step is to handle the feedback properly: finalize the requirements to the MVP, adjust wireframes.

Now is a good time to design the system architecture and craft the UI design.
Once the architecture and the design are done, the development begins. A key for the short time-to-market here is to follow data standards such as FHIR, re-using existing integration modules, and well-known open source libraries. Other important aspects of properly defined development process are CI/CD available and configured from the first day of the development and a reasonable set of various kind of tests (unit, integration, end-to-end) accomplishing each product feature.

From our experience, the properly organized process from the idea to the developed product MVP available for alpha testing might take 1,5–3 months.
Get a free consultation
If you interested in launching the MVP, please reach us at hi@beda.software and we'll be happy to chat.